Civil Registration System

Civil Registration System in Tripura headed by Chief Registrar of Births and Deaths (Director of Health Services) Govt. of Tripura Agartala, For administrative purpose the total CRS system is decentralised to 8 district where District Magistrate and Collectors in Non-TTAADC area and Zonal Development Officers of 5 Zone of TTAADC area are functioning as District Registrar of Births and Deaths.

In block level for Non-TTAADC area the Block Development Officers and for Non-TTAADC area and the Sub-Zonal Development Officers for TTAADC area are functioning as Addl. District Registrar of Births and Deaths .

Administrative set up :-

1. Chief Registrar of Births and Deaths :- Director of Health services.

2. District Registrar of Births and Deaths :- District Magistrate and Collector and Zonal Development Officers

3. (a) Addl. District Registrar of Births and Deaths:-

  1. Block Development Officer for Non-TTAADC in rural area.
  2. Sub-Zonal Development Officer for Tripura Tribal Area Autonomous District Council (TTAADC) in rural area.

(b) Registrar of Births and Deaths :-

  1. Health Officer for Agartala Municipal Corporation in urban area.
  2. Executive Officer for 13 (thirteen) Municipal Council in urban area.
  3. Executive Officer for 6 (six) Nagar Panchayet in urban area.
  4. Village Secretary for TTAADC in rural area .
  5. Panchayet Secretary for Non- TTAADC in rural area.

(C) Registrar of Births and Deaths :-

  1. Medical Officer/ Non Medical Gazetted Officer in Govt. Medical Institutions w.e.f. 1st June 2004.
  2. 6 (six) Medical Officer in Medical Institution w.e.f. 1st January 2008 ( out side Tripura Health Services ) Besides, Head Master of Schools, Midwives, MPWs act as notifiers as per section 10 (i) and (ii) of the RBD Act, 1969 in their area.

In Tripura the Registration of Births and Deaths Act. 1969 were forced from 1-4-1972 . As per this Act, the State Government has implemented the Registration of Births and Deaths Rule 1975 in the official Gazette on 6th January 1976.

Revamped System under Civil registration System is at present functioning in Tripura on 26/9/1999 a revised Births and Deaths Registration Rule is functioning in Tripura as Tripura Births and Deaths Registration Rule 1999 .

Online registration of Births and Deaths were started in all govt. health institution from 8th April 2016, from 1st July in all the urban units and from 1st September 2016 in all the registration units under Gram Panchayet and Village Council .

For more details please visit

To achieve 100% registration of Births and Deaths, all the govt. Hospital and health institution are empowered as registration centre of Births and Deaths by notification in official Gazette from 1-6-2004.


Sr. No. Title Download
1 Monthly online registered births and deaths report July 2022 Monthly online registered births and deaths report July 202230/08/2022
2 Monthly online registered births and deaths report June 2022 Monthly online registered births and deaths report June 202216/07/2022
3 Monthly online registered births and deaths report May 2022 Monthly online registered births and deaths report May 202208/06/2022
4 Monthly online registered births and deaths report April 2022 Monthly online registered births and deaths report April 202207/05/2022
5 Monthly online registered births and deaths report March 2022 Monthly online registered births and deaths report March 202207/04/2022
6 Monthly online registered births and deaths report February 2022 Monthly online registered births and deaths report February 202217/03/2022
7 Regarding implementation of OTP (One Time Password) as two factor authentication for login in to CRS portal Regarding implementation of OTP (One Time Password) as two factor authentication for login in to CRS portal18/12/2021
8 Regarding Guidelines to provide a copy of MCCD Regarding Guidelines to provide a copy of MCCD08/09/2021
9 Fees-Fine -Circular 26th June 2020 Fees-Fine -Circular 26th June 202026/06/2020
10 Memorandum regarding all users not to share password, periodically change the password and to update the credentials on portal Memorandum regarding all users not to share password, periodically change the password and to update the credentials on portal09/08/2021
11 MEMO - Prohibits disclose of cause of death MEMO - Prohibits disclose of cause of death07/12/2020
12 MEMO - ICD-10 codes for COVID-19 mortality coding reg. MEMO - ICD-10 codes for COVID-19 mortality coding reg.23/06/2020
13 Clarification regarding countersignature of Block Depelopment Officer (BDO-Sub-ZDO) on certificate of birth and death Clarification regarding countersignature of Block Depelopment Officer (BDO-Sub-ZDO) on certificate of birth and death13/03/2020
14 Regular inspection of Registration Units and submission of inspection report thereof Regular inspection of Registration Units and submission of inspection report thereof15/10/2019
15 Memorandum regarding fill up all the cause of death in online CRS portal. Memorandum regarding fill up all the cause of death in online CRS portal19/07/2018
16 Circular - Inclusion of details of widow in the death records of her husband Circular - Inclusion of details of widow in the death records of her husband09/07/2018
17 Deletion of names of dead elector from electoral roll Deletion of names of dead elector from electoral roll22/06/2018
18 Registration of Births and Deaths Fees/Fine Head of account - CRS Registration of Births and Deaths Fees/Fine Head of account - CRS05/12/2017